반응형 SpringFramework4 Spring 3.2.5 릴리즈 Change Log >Changes in version 3.2.5 (2013-11-06) ------------------------------------- * fixed type prediction for generic factory method with conversion of method arguments (SPR-10411) * fixed GenericTypeResolver issues relating to ParameterizedType (SPR-10819) * allow indexed constructors to be used with @Autowire resolution (SPR-11019) * refined JavaConfig overrides algorithm (SPR-10988, SPR-10992) * f.. 2013. 11. 8. Spring 3.1 - Spring Mobile Maven repositorie org.springframework.maven.milestone Spring Maven Milestone Repository http://maven.springframework.org/milestone dependency org.springframework.mobile spring-mobile-device 1.0.0.M3 2013. 10. 28. Spring 3.0 - MVC : 파일 업로드 jar 등록 Commons-fileupload 1.2.2 commons-fileuploadcommons-fileupload1.2.2 Commons-io 2.2 commons-iocommons-io2.2 2012. 4. 21. Spring 3.0 준비 - Framework 다운로드 Spring Framework 다운로드 http://www.springsource.org/spring-framework#download Spring STS 다운로드 http://www.springsource.org/downloads/sts Eclipse Spring IDE 다운로드 Help - Install New Software... http://dist.springframework.org/release/IDE Core , Extensions 설치 2012. 3. 22. 이전 1 다음 반응형