>Changes in version 3.2.5 (2013-11-06) ------------------------------------- * fixed type prediction for generic factory method with conversion of method arguments (SPR-10411) * fixed GenericTypeResolver issues relating to ParameterizedType (SPR-10819) * allow indexed constructors to be used with @Autowire resolution (SPR-11019) * refined JavaConfig overrides algorithm (SPR-10988, SPR-10992) * fixed multiple calls to @Autowire setters when defining several beans of the same class (SPR-11027) * provided more lenient fallback checks for setter injection (SPR-10995) * allowed AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext.register to be called multiple times (SPR-10852) * fixed various SpEL issues (SPR-9495, SPR-10452, SPR-10928, SPR-10884, SPR-10953, SPR-10716, SPR-10486, SPR-11031) * added XStream catch-all converter (SPR-10821) * fixed issue with AOP Advisor being silently skipped during creation (SPR-10430) * fixed use of configured prefix for Jackson message converters (SPR-10817) * fixed SimpleJdbcCall function return issues (SPR-10606) * protected against memory leak in AntPathMatcher (SPR-10803) * fixed memory leak in AbstractBeanFactory (SPR-10896) * fixed Ehcache RMI replication issue (SPR-10904) * fixed ArrayStoreException with ASM reading of enum subclass (SPR-10914) * prevented duplicate scan of @Import annotations (SPR-10918) * fixed issues using non-shareable @Resource (SPR-10931) * ensured malformed content type is translated to 415 status code (SPR-10982) * fixed issues when converting a single element array to object (SPR-10996) * allow override of @ContextConfiguration initializer when using @ContextHierarchy (SPR-10997) * fixed issue with ordering of @PropertySource values (SPR-10820) * fixed parsing issues with JNDI variables (SPR-11039) * fixed MockHttpServletRequestBuilder handling parameter without value (SPR-11043) * fixed ClasspathXmlApplicationContext inherit/merge of parent context environment (SPR-11068) * fixed wrong translation of MS SQL error code (SPR-10902) * fixed JMSTemplate issues when used with Oracle AQ (SPR-10829) * fixed AbstractMethodMockingControl off-by-one error (SPR-10885) * fixed potential NPE with JaxB2Marshaller (SPR-10828) * fixed potential NPE with RestTemplate (SPR-10848) * fixed potential NPE in AbstractApplicationEventMulticaster (SPR-10945) * fixed potential NPE with RedirectView (SPR-10937) * fixed NPE with ExtendedBeanInfo on IBM J9 VM (SPR-10862) * improved subclassing support for RequestMappingHandlerMapping (SPR-10950) * made AnnotationConfigUtils.processCommonDefinitionAnnotations public (SPR-11032) * removed unnecessary char[] allocation with NamedParameterUtils (SPR-11042) * refined logging output (SPR-10974, SPR-11017) * minor documentation updates (SPR-10798, SPR-10850, SPR-10927)
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